Friday, September 12, 2014

Week 7--Feraligatr: Bite Off and Chew Just the Right Amount

Pokemon of the Week is brought to you by Pokemon Masters - Battle & Trade. Look us up on Facebook for more Pokemon related entertainment and information!
Vulpix says:

Hello again all! As you might (or might not!) have noticed, we didn’t post last week. This was due to some busy things happening on the admin side. For my part, I’ve been busy furiously writing away at a fun side project, and the weeks keep flying by without me noticing. Dialga seems to have been consumed by Real Life, Giratina is busy with school, Raikou’s working too hard, and Spritzee is like ohmgosh what is this Pokemon of the Week Thing?!?

Honestly, it kind of snuck up on us!

We at Pokemon Masters Battle & Trade would like to humbly apologize for the masses of you out there who held their breath for a week waiting for the newest installment. Guess what? It’s HERE.

This week’s Pokemon of the week is Feraligatr, the final evolution of a Gen 2 starter. Feraligatr is this neat looking crocodile/alligator thing, which incidentally is another overdone animal shape. (How many lizards/gators do we have?). Despite that, it’s built fairly solidly with the overall base stat distribution comparable to the dragon classes. This gives Feraligatr a nice range of versatility to breed and train it in whichever direction you please, with really the only viable complaint that it’s a little too slow to outmaneuver much.

Feraligatr is an old school Pokemon, so if it were me, I’d give it an old school build. It is built moderately and balanced, so I’m going to treat it moderately and balanced. If I had a Feraligatr, he’d be all lookin’ like:

Knock me down, I dare you.
Item: Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
EVs: 182 HP, 140 SpDef, 100 Atk, 86 Def,
Nature: Adamant

-       Earthquake
-       Waterfall
-       Crunch
-       Ice Fang

Nothing too mysterious here. Just going for best coverage and best usage of the ability Sheer Force, which ups damage at the sacrifice of a secondary effect. This is the kind of Pokemon I just want to brutalize others with. ^_^

Raikou says:
Good day all you wonderful Pokémon lovers. Raikou here for another POTW. Sorry its been a while, life has been getting a little crazy! Between me getting promoted at my job and having a tooth extraction I have had my hands full. That being said, there is no real excuse. So my apologies.

Now let's get to out Pokémon of the week! This week its Feraligatr! This Generation 2 starter has been known to fill a couple niche spots on teams, from late gam sweeper, to rain team power house, and even a TR set despite its mid level speed stat. I'll go over a few of these sets with you.

Sweeper (Feraligatr) @ Life Orb
Ability: Torrent/Sheer Force
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Speed
- Dragon Dance
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch/Crunch
- Aqua Jet/Earthquake/Poison Jab

This set here is probably the most common of them all. It is used to be a sweeper, as most Dragon Dance users are, After 2 D-Dances, you outspend most anything that isn't scarfed. Waterfall for power and flinch chance, the last two moves are all depending on what you want for coverage. I almost always choose to have Aqua Jet for the sake of priority, Ice Punch is great for dragons, and Poison Jab is wonderful against the new Fairy threats out there.

All around badass.
Choice Band TR (Feraligatr) @ Choice Band
Ability: Torrent/Sheer Force
EVs: 1252HP / 252 Atk/ 4 Speed
IVs: 0 in Speed, rest 31
- Waterfall
- Ice Punch
- Earthquake
- Crunch

Now this one here is always fun if you like TR. He is kind of fast for a TR poké, with a base 78 Speed Stat, but it still isn't that fast. The reason why he could be used is because You use him to Speed Creep other TR teams out of Trick Room, but definitely under speed most threats on other teams, so he performs well in TR. This IV Spread gives him a little extra staying power, and the little in Speed gives him Speed Creep, as I already mentioned.

I'm a natural born lurker.
He can be a very strong member of any team, but his drawbacks are that he needs help setting himself up to ensure staying power. On a rain team he does well, obviously he fits a rain team due to his typing and good Attack. As most can tell, one of my favorite newer items is Assault Vest, and I have a set for him for it, but it isn't very viable at all, because, sadly, he almost needs setting up to do work and damage.

He can definitely be great on any team you just need to know when id a smart time to send him out so you can start setting up, once you do, all beware, because he will start doing some real damage.

We're done here.

Be sure to share our page on your timeline for a chance at an exceptionally bred Totodile, handpicked by your admins. It's easy! Just share our Facebook page and comment "Shared" on our POTW Facebook post!

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