Saturday, August 30, 2014

Week 6--Gothitelle: The Allure of Dark Magic

Pokemon of the Week is brought to you by Pokemon Masters--Battle & Trade. Look us up on Facebook for more Pokemon related entertainment and information!

Vulpix says: 
Gothitelle, the Astral Body Pokemon, was introduced in Generation 5. Initially, it was one of the Pokemon I was most excited about going into the generation. Psychic is a particular favorite of mine, and Gothitelle’s colors appeal to me. Despite that, I had such an easy time taking out its evo line during gameplay that I decided against raising my own.

You chose poorly.
I know what you’re thinking… I was probably a little too hasty in my decision, but my first play through is always like that, operating on whims and quick decisions and no looking back. However, nearly every Pokemon has a use, and Gothitelle is surely one! Raikou will tell you some heartfelt, tried and true logic about how to properly utilize her.

As for me, after scrutinizing Gothitelle’s page, this is what I think I would do!

My Build
Nature: Modest (Up SpAtk, Down Atk)
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 252 HP, 152 SpAtk, 66 Def, 40 SpDef
Item: Leftovers/Life Orb

Trick Room
Fake Tears
Energy Ball

Explanation: For starters, I went with Modest nature to pack a heavier punch, then used the EVs to add some bulk and a little extra oomph. Gothitelle’s build made it easy… with base stats 70/55/95/95/110/65, there’s nothing you need to do for its attack, and nothing you can do for its speed, really. Its HP isn’t all that impressive, though, so beef it up and increase its defenses. Modest already gives you a sizable boost on your SpAtk but a few EVs are still nice.

I like Shadow Tag! It means your opponent can’t leave the ring! So, that means, while he’s there you might as well torture him a bit. That sounds fun, right?! Trick Room is a fun one, as it reverses the order of who gets to go first, and with Gothitelle’s meh speed, that should put it pretty high in the pecking order. Don’t fudge with Gothitelle’s Speed though. With Trick Room, you’re going to beat out all of the speed attackers no problem, and you won’t win out against Trick Room pokemon anyway.
Who you calling 'meh'? I will END YOU.
Now that your opponent can’t go anywhere, hit it with Fake Tears. This makes your opponent more susceptible to your attacks. I thought about throwing toxic on there, but in my experience, toxic is too slow of a way to faint, especially since Gothitelle isn’t terribly bulky to begin with. With Fake Turns, you turn your opponent into a target that you can most likely one shot on your next turn, and there’s not much he can do about it (because he’s stuck there!).

Then all you have to do is rock Energy Ball (because I hate Rotom Wash) and Psychic for the win!

How could you question how fabulous I am? I mean, really. 
Raikou says:
Raikou here with some more awesome POTW!!

This week we are here to talk about the lovely humanoid, ribbon wearing fiend, GOTHITELLE. Competitively this pokemon can do so many things. I originally totally despised her in all of gen 5. There just wasn't anything special to her in my eyes, but between her decent stat spread she can fill many types of spots essential to a complete team. Plus not to mention she as some decent abilities that give her even more of a spread capability. Here are a few  ideas for those that want a way to build her

Specs Power House (Gothitelle) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Shadow Tag/ Competitive
EVs: 252 Sp Atk / 4 Sp Def / 252 Speed
- Psychic/Psyshock
- Thunderbolt
- Energy Ball, HP Fire, HP Ice
- Trick

This set here is just all about to deal out as much damage as you can, plus with her decent bulk, even uninvested, she can take a hit or two to ensure you can deal out some strong damage in return. Depending on how your team is built, Psychic or Psyshock is a necessity with that killer STAB hit. If you choose to use Competitive and someone happens to intimidate you, or anything of the short, you get more power. Although you can run Shadow Tag instead to make sure you can switch in on a poke you know you can kill and keep it there till you take it out.

This is my serious face. 
Assault Vest Wall (Gothitelle) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 152 HP / 160 Def / 138 Sp Atk / 60 Sp Def
- Psychic
- Energy Ball
- Thunderbolt
- Dark Pulse

This set here is one of my own personal sets, this is meant to wall peoples hits for as long as it can and twinkle down just about anything. With her base 95 Sp Atk, she can deal out decent damage with this investment in it. This is mainly meant to take out an annoying poke that you want to make sure the opponent cant switch it out unless you want it too, or until you bring in the KO

Yes... hold very still. This will only take a moment. 
Trick Room Wall/Power House (Gothitelle) @ Leftovers
Ability: Shadow Tag
EVs: 200 HP / 120 Def / 12 Sp Atk/ 178 SP Def
         252 Sp Atk / 252 Def / 4 Sp Def

IVS: 31/x/31/31/31/0
- Psychic, Psyshock
- Toxic/Dark Pulse
- Trick Room
- Protect/Energy Ball

This set can be taken in two ways, the first being a TR setter and wall that you can spam Toxic and Toxic Stall your opponent, while dealing damage in between turns. The second set is all about you power housing and destroying things while TR is up. If you want to be even slower to ensure you "outspeed" in the TR, you can run a Quiet nature. I personally prefer Modest so that I can speed creep another TR team whenever TR is not up.

Not so fast!
Lastly I will talk about her in VGC, I won't put up spreads just because there are so many of them, but if you want to know any more you can just message the page, and I will gladly Oblige you some info. In VGC Shadow Tag is really great for ensuring your opponent won't get the switch advantage and you can trap those trouble pokes in. Which works out great in a Perish/Trap team. She can even just be a wall and can slam Charms on the physically strong pokes in the meta to make them not be able to do any damage.

So there you go guys, Gothitelle. She has become one of my fav pokemon to use on my teams, and I highly recommend putting her into consideration when trying to build a well rounded team.

Raikou Over And Out!!!!!

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