Friday, August 1, 2014

Week 3--Volcarona: Fire Breathing Bugs are Scary

Pokemon of the Week is brought to you by Pokemon Masters--Battle & Trade. Look us up on Facebook for more Pokemon-related entertainment and information!
Vulpix says:
Volcarona was my selection for the admins’ favorite series of Pokemon of the Week. I feel like Volcarona doesn’t ever get enough love. Maybe it’s because it’s an insect (I never did like bug type). Maybe it’s because it grows too slowly. Maybe it is just too new to have garnered much of a following. Whatever the reason, it is now my chance to try to tell you how truly special this bug can be because… Volcarona is this week’s Pokemon of the Week!
Why you no love me?
Since my co-admins didn’t have a chance to write up their perspectives this week, I’m going to take the opportunity to just gush uncontrollably. (YAY VULPIX!!!)
Mischief? What mischief? Me, up to no good?!? Nonsense!
When I first received Volcarona, I was initially intrigued by its typing: Fire and Bug. Volcarona has three weaknesses: water, rock, and flying. Not too shabby. Your biggest threat is likely water (due to the popularity of Rain Dance teams), but Volcarona’s beastly special defense is usually pretty useful in that regard!
 With base stats of 85/60/65/135/105/100, Volcarona is a well-balanced, sturdy, solid Pokemon to have. It’s fast enough to be a contender for speed, its special attack makes it a hard hitter, and its special defense allow it to withstand most attacks.

I can handle it, boss.
I can fit my Volcarona onto most of my teams without much fuss. Bug moves are super effective against psychic, dark, and grass, and fire moves are super effective against ice, grass, bug, and steel, giving Volcarona a broad range for attacking, adding a good Pokemon for coverage to any of my teams.

Plus, for whatever reason, I just love the thing! It’s interesting-looking and pretty colors. I like the white mane of bug fuzz and the rare addition of an insect to one of my favorite types (fire, of course… Larvesta and Volcarona are the only Fire/Bug Pokemon available). I’ve been impressed by its ability to withstand a Hydro Pump, yet one-shot many opponents in battle. Volcarona has been battle tested and proven itself worthy more times than I can count, and if I’m trying to take a team to test a challenge, I never have doubts about its ability to perform. Seriously, if you don’t have one of these things, you really should try it out.
I reject your water and replace it fiery death!
Let’s move on to builds.

Nature: Modest (Up SpAtk, Down Atk)
Ability: Swarm
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 SpAtk, 6 HP
Item: Expert Belt/Choice Scarf

Bug Buzz
Fiery Dance/Flamethrower
Quiver Dance
Protect/Whirlwind/Rage Powder

Explanation: For starters, having a Volcarona without Quiver Dance is like “What’s the point?” Quiver Dance, much like any Dance move, ups stats. Quiver Dance increases your SpAtk, SpDef, and Speed all in one go. If you have the chance to use it, definitely use. Beware the Encore, though, and also be wary that Volcarona’s physical defense is rather poor. Utilizing Same Type Attack Bonus (STAB) is always important. For this, you definitely need Bug Buzz, though you might have trouble choosing between Flamethrower and Fiery Dance. Flamethrower has better power, but Fiery Dance gives you a 50% chance of raising Volcarona’s already epic SpAtk. Personally, I’d go with Fiery Dance.

For the last move, it really just depends on what you're using Volcarona for. Protect is always a good move to have, but Whirlwind can be useful to maximize the damage done by your entry hazards. Rage Powder is tricky to use, but if used with skill can be a powerful tool. It draws the attacks of your opponent to Volcarona only, so you can use it to protect your 'Glass Cannons' like Crobat or Alakazam. 
Fiery Dance. Quiver Dance. Fiery Quiver Dance. Or is it Quivering Fire Dance?
All that dancing and no feet? What is this madness?
Volcarona is also a great Pokemon to have some fun with. You can boost its defense and HP and turn it into a hard hitting, moderately fast tank Pokemon instead. Volcarona would be a wonderful addition to any Sunny Day team, as well. 

Tank Build
Nature: Bold (Up Def, Down Atk)
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 Def, 252 HP, 6 SpDef
Item: Leftovers

Bug Buzz
Fiery Dance
Quiver Dance
Protect/Rage Powder

Explanation: Though the moveset is similar, the build is different. This Volcarona is built to withstand punishment, but nothing to sneeze at in the attacking department, either. Use Protect to make the most of your leftovers, or use Rage Powder to take advantages of Volcarona's bulky ability to take a hit while causing all kinds of problems for your opponent. Meanwhile, Flame Body gives you the chance to burn on contact!

Do you need to run to the Poke Mart? Cuz you just got burned! 
And now, one more!

Sunny Day
Nature: Timid (Up Spd, Down Atk)
Ability: Flame Body
EVs: 252 Spd, 252 SpAtk, 6 HP
Item: Expert Belt

Solar Beam/Bug Buzz
Bug Buzz/Morning Sun
Quiver Dance
Fiery Dance

Explanation: Now we’ve lost Bug Buzz and the STAB that goes with it, UNLESS your Sunny Day team has plenty of Solar Beam on it already and you’d rather add a little variety to your move pool. Quiver Dance, because Volcarona. Fiery Dance because the sun adds power to your fire moves, and finally Morning Sun, which has an increased ability to heal Volcarona in a pinch. Alternatively, you could drop Morning sun in favor of Bug Buzz. It would give you more type coverage and turn Volcarona into a pure attacker, but in the sun and with Volcarona’s unusual typing, it might just be worth it.

This thing is all kinds of terrifying on a sunny day.
As if that Fiery Dance weren't scorching already. 
I hope that I’ve made you think a little bit about what I believe is the best bug Pokemon ever made. Volcarona is an all around powerful Pokemon with versatile utility that fits well into most teams and has a decent move pool. It’s slow growing but dependable, interesting and unique.
Want one of your own? Share the Pokemon Masters--Battle & Trade Facebook page on your wall and comment on the page's Pokemon of the Week post that you shared it to receive your very own well-bred Larvesta. Every week, Pokemon of the Week will give away 5 baby Pokemon, all set and ready to be trained for your own team!

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